Having said "Merry Christmas" ( and I meant it sincerely) I must say that it's one of the saddest -- no THE saddest time of year for me.
Because the delusion and deception of our culture is at it's highest level during the Christmas season.
Historically December 25th doesn't have anything to do with Jesus Christ's birth. It's more likely he was born in spring. Be that as it may the holiday has been hijacked. It's big business.
Decemebr 25th is just another example of government manipulation of the masses. It was just a pagan holiday to entertain the serfs.
The Babylonians celebrated their "Victory of the Sun God" Festival on Dec 25th.
Saturnalia (the Festival of Saturn) was celebrated from Dec 17th - 23rd in the Roman Empire. The Roman Emperor, Aurelian, blended Satunalia with a number of birth celebrations of savior gods from other religions, into a single holy day: Dec 25th.
The people of the Roman Empire were accustomed to celebrating the birth of A god on that day. So it was easy for the Roman Catholic Church to divert people's attention and call it Jesus' birth.
Christmas is about recovering liberty for mankind and his authority over the creation.
The Creator gave 'first man' that authority. First man gave it away. He lost dominion over the creation. Since Creator is a judicial creator.... and it was man who gave away his liberty... Creator knew it had to be a man who would legally take that liberty and authority back. So Creator created another man (let's call him second man) who did exactly that.
I hope I've helped you understand why I am disappointed watching mankind running around at Christmas, spending furiously, often going into binding debt, when it's a time for man to realize he has true liberty and dominion over all the creation. Mankind, for the most part misses the message and goes on living life as a slave to a thousand different masters.
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